Preparing youth in Africa to learn, earn and thrive in today's economy

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Youth are the key to a more prosperous future for Africa. By 2035, the continent is poised to contribute more people to the global workforce than the rest of the world combined. Yet, many will struggle to secure dignified employment. It doesn't have to be that way.

Educate! partners with governments and local communities to tackle this challenge by:


Introducing an employment-focused subject in secondary schools

Delivering livelihood bootcamps for out-of-school youth, with a focus on rural girls and young women

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Educate!’s Impact

Graduates of Educate!’s in-school model in Uganda earn nearly double the income of their peers towards the end of secondary school.

Our work integrating an employment-focused school subject into Rwanda's education system yielded a doubling in university enrollment.

Educate!’s bootcamps are demonstrating consistent impact, with youth seeing relative income gains of 50% or more, three to six months after participation.

To date, Educate! has meaningfully impacted more than


across Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya, along the way becoming East Africa's largest youth employment and skills provider.

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Educate! has been recognized by:

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